Thursday, May 13, 2010


Green, verde, colour for the day is simply green.
Hmmmm, it's always refreshing! Just like the smell of air after each rain...
Unmindful of what I am actually wearing today; a green top by UC of Benetton, blue green cotton jacket, faded green stretch jeans and my sneakers with green Nike logo on it! I just realized it now...Thank God that my skin is not yet green and I am still far from being green minded! Promise, I don't plan to steal the crown of Princess Fiona!

Oh well, look what I am having at this very moment. YES, you are right!

Our receptionist at DUC Office gave us the news that starbucks is offering frappuccino at half the price everyday until 3PM. Everybody got excited! Since it is already thursday, all of us are kind of tired and a cup of starbucks frappuccino will surely be a nice treat to wake us up and extend our energy! My supervisor was kind and sweet enough to give me the treat, yey me!

I love green tea, no doubt about it. When I was living in Kyoto, I attended several traditional japanese tea ceremony. It is such a wonderful experience indeed! I also love green tea mochi (japanese rice cake) and green tea soft ice cream. Eating sushi is not complete without the ever flowing hot green tea on the table. And having all of these on my mind, I now feel nostalgic of my home in Kyoto.

So, what do you think of green landscapes, vegetables, fruits and all?
What about the black grocery bag that claims it's green!
And what does green house effect means?


  1. That is why I love green jokes...

    Hey congratulations! Welcome to the blogsphere!

  2. Thanks, it is about time to write something about some things.
